Tuesday 23 December 2008

Happy Christmas

Here's some photos of what I've drawn recently. All of this stuff is for that skateboard comic I'm "working on". What else? Well I've submitted one of my better efforts to this t-shirt contest. So if you can be bothered then vote for it or whatever (not even sure how it all works). Got a lovely Crab Lane Crew comic from my friend Jim Medway. It's really good. he's going to be FAMOUS!
I'm moving to London town in a couple of weeks, so no doubt these blog updates will become even more rare.
Okay, bye!

Saturday 20 December 2008

Sunday 14 December 2008

Jim Phillips

Okay so this post is all about one of my favourite artists, Jim Phillips. He's the guy who, along with VC Johnson, was responsible for some of the greatest skate graphics ever. The Screaming Hand, THAT Jason Jessee graphic and, oh I don't know, a hundred other drop dead beautiful neon classics. Here's some of my faves:

Here's a link to Fecal Faces visit to his studio which is pretty much mindblowing.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Christ(mas) Air

Mung Bean

I've got some of my Ghost Galaxy comicfeatured here, but you know, I'm kinda over it and more into doing this new eighties skateboard comic thing for now. Typical me.

Sunday 30 November 2008

Ebay Shop

I've gone and got myself one of them there EBAY SHOPS, to sell some ink and paper (ahem) "classics". So go on and snap one up, and we'll be friends for life.

Monday 24 November 2008

Skateboard Johnny

So, inevitably I'm now working on a new comic strip which is kinda like 'Roy of the Rovers' meets 'Stoked'. Which is good for 2 reasons: 1. It's about my favourite subject: skate nostalgia. And 2: I get to dig up amazing clips like this one (actually that's just one reason):

I like the bit where Gator etc just turn up at the park and are like "No way, check it out, stevie caballero!"

Saturday 22 November 2008

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Through a scanner, darkly.

Okay, so my scanner is bust. Dead. Kaput. In an effort to keep you, the reader, coming back here for more until I sort out getting a new scanning device, I'll try and post some other stuff in the meantime. First up is an attempt to get images of all the skate decks I've ever had the pleasure to own. So here goes (in no particular order):

This was my first proper board (I started out on a (ahem) piece of shit complete called a "RipStik Bone Edd" which I randomly ended up with, despite marching my parents into the bike shop to buy a sweet Powell McGill Skull and snake graphic. I went the whole hog with this one setting it up (just like Sean Goff had his in his R.A.D magazine interview) with yellow trackers and blue kryptonics wheels. I even had the belinda carlisle griptape job. Ah, misspent youth!

Ones I need to track down include: a Fred Gall slick (alien workshop), a lovely glitter graphic/slick Ron Whalley (Santa Cruz), a big green Carl Shipman (Stereo) and about 10 others from more recent years.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Paintings for sale

I've put some paintings I did back in 2006 up for sale on EBAY, also have a look at some posters etc for sale in my shop (click ghost galaxy shop link over there >>>>)

Monday 10 November 2008

Vision Skate Escape 1987

Here's a photo of the second in a series of drawings I'm doing about skate fans from "yesteryear". (see mount trashmore post below). It's a photo because my scanner has died which may well cause this blog to slow right down, postwise.

Sunday 9 November 2008

the headache

Thanks to my friends for coming out last night to toast my birthday. I was going to write a thank you note on real thank you note paper and scan it in. But I can't function normally today so this will have to do. Presents-wise, i got Johnny Ryan's XXX scumbag party, awesome I fucking shot that!, the ron burgundy classy collection, a damn right weird cat ice cube maker tray thing, a green ipod, rust never sleeps and some smells.
Me and Little Joe (amongst others) are playing seven 7" singles each at this event in a few weeks time. it'd be good to see you.

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Sunday 26 October 2008

Monday 20 October 2008